Source code for AIS.ais

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" - A Python interface for the Swisscom All-in Signing Service.

:copyright: (c) 2016 by Camptocamp
:license: AGPLv3, see README and LICENSE for more details


import base64
import json
import re
import uuid

import requests

from .pdf import PDF
from . import exceptions

url = ""

[docs]class AIS(object): """Client object holding connection information to the AIS service.""" def __init__(self, customer, key_static, cert_file, cert_key): """Initialize an AIS client with authentication information.""" self.customer = customer self.key_static = key_static self.cert_file = cert_file self.cert_key = cert_key self.byte_range = None self.last_request_id = None def _request_id(self): request_id = self.last_request_id = uuid.uuid4().hex return request_id
[docs] def post(self, payload): """ Do the post request for this payload and return the signature part of the json response. :type payload: str :rtype: dict """ headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', } cert = (self.cert_file, self.cert_key) response =, data=payload, headers=headers, cert=cert) sign_resp = response.json()['SignResponse'] result = sign_resp['Result'] if 'Error' in result['ResultMajor']: raise exceptions.error_for(response) return sign_resp
[docs] def sign_batch(self, pdfs): """Sign a batch of files. :type pdfs: list(PDF) """ # prepare pdfs in one batch # payload in batch PDF.prepare_batch(pdfs) payload_documents = { "DocumentHash" + str(count): { "@ID": count, "dsig.DigestMethod": { "@Algorithm": "" }, "dsig.DigestValue": pdf.digest() } for count, pdf in enumerate(pdfs) } payload = { "SignRequest": { "@RequestID": self._request_id(), "@Profile": "", "OptionalInputs": { "ClaimedIdentity": { "Name": ':'.join((self.customer, self.key_static)), }, "SignatureType": "urn:ietf:rfc:3369", "AdditionalProfile": "", "AddTimestamp": {"@Type": "urn:ietf:rfc:3161"}, "sc.AddRevocationInformation": {"@Type": "BOTH"}, }, "InputDocuments": payload_documents } } payload_json = json.dumps(payload, indent=4) payload_json = re.sub(r'"DocumentHash\d+"', '"DocumentHash"', payload_json) sign_resp = other = sign_resp['SignatureObject']['Other']['sc.SignatureObjects'] for signature_object in other['sc.ExtendedSignatureObject']: signature = Signature(base64.b64decode( signature_object['Base64Signature']['$'] )) which_document = int(signature_object['@WhichDocument']) pdf = pdfs[which_document] pdf.write_signature(signature)
[docs] def sign_one_pdf(self, pdf): """Sign the given pdf file. :type pdf: PDF """ pdf.prepare() payload = { "SignRequest": { "@RequestID": self._request_id(), "@Profile": "", "OptionalInputs": { "ClaimedIdentity": { "Name": ':'.join((self.customer, self.key_static)), }, "SignatureType": "urn:ietf:rfc:3369", "AddTimestamp": {"@Type": "urn:ietf:rfc:3161"}, "sc.AddRevocationInformation": {"@Type": "BOTH"}, }, "InputDocuments": { "DocumentHash": { "dsig.DigestMethod": { "@Algorithm": "" }, "dsig.DigestValue": pdf.digest() }, } } } sign_response = signature = Signature(base64.b64decode( sign_response['SignatureObject']['Base64Signature']['$'] )) pdf.write_signature(signature)
class Signature(object): """A cryptographic signature returned from the AIS webservice.""" def __init__(self, contents): """Build a Signature.""" self.contents = contents