Source code for AIS.exceptions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" - A Python interface for the Swisscom All-in Signing Service.

:copyright: (c) 2016 by Camptocamp
:license: AGPLv3, see README and LICENSE for more details


[docs]class AISError(Exception): """Generic AIS Error.""" pass
[docs]class AuthenticationFailed(AISError): """Authentication with AIS failed. This means that AIS returned """ pass
[docs]class UnknownAISError(AISError): """Unknown AIS Error.""" pass
[docs]class MissingPreparedSignature(AISError): """The PDF file needs to be prepared with an empty signature.""" pass
minor_to_exception = { '': AuthenticationFailed, } def error_for(response): """Return the correct error for a response.""" result = response.json()['SignResponse']['Result'] Exc = minor_to_exception.get(result['ResultMinor'], UnknownAISError) return Exc(result)