Source code for AIS.pdf

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" - A Python interface for the Swisscom All-in Signing Service.

:copyright: (c) 2016 by Camptocamp
:license: AGPLv3, see README and LICENSE for more details


import base64
import codecs
import hashlib
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile

import PyPDF2
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

from . import exceptions
from . import helpers

[docs]class PDF(object): """A container for a PDF file to be signed and the signed version.""" def __init__(self, in_filename, prepared=False): self.in_filename = in_filename """Filename of the PDF to be treated.""" _out_fp, _out_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".pdf") self.out_filename = _out_filename """Filename of the output, signed PDF.""" shutil.copy(self.in_filename, self.out_filename) self.prepared = prepared """Is the PDF prepared with an empty signature?""" @staticmethod def _java_command(): java_dir = resource_filename(__name__, 'empty_signer') return [ 'java', '-cp', '.:vendor/itextpdf-5.5.9.jar', '-Duser.dir={}'.format(java_dir), 'EmptySigner', ]
[docs] @classmethod def prepare_batch(cls, pdfs): """Add an empty signature to each of pdfs with only one java call.""" pdfs_to_prepare = filter(lambda p: not p.prepared, pdfs) subprocess.check_call( cls._java_command() + [pdf.out_filename for pdf in pdfs_to_prepare] ) for pdf in pdfs_to_prepare: pdf.prepared = True
[docs] def prepare(self): """Add an empty signature to self.out_filename.""" if not self.prepared: subprocess.check_call( self._java_command() + [self.out_filename], ) self.prepared = True
def digest(self): reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(self.out_filename) sig_obj = None for generation, idnums in reader.xref.items(): for idnum in idnums: if idnum == 0: break pdf_obj = PyPDF2.generic.IndirectObject(idnum, generation, reader).getObject() if ( isinstance(pdf_obj, PyPDF2.generic.DictionaryObject) and pdf_obj.get('/Type') == '/Sig' ): sig_obj = pdf_obj break if sig_obj is None: raise exceptions.MissingPreparedSignature self.byte_range = sig_obj['/ByteRange'] h = hashlib.sha256() with open(self.out_filename, 'rb') as fp: for start, length in (self.byte_range[:2], self.byte_range[2:]): h.update( result = base64.b64encode(h.digest()) if helpers.PY3: result = result.decode('ascii') return result
[docs] def write_signature(self, signature): """ Write the signature in the pdf file :type signature: Signature """ with open(self.out_filename, "rb+") as fp:[1] + 1) fp.write(codecs.encode(signature.contents, 'hex'))